A lot of my job involves working with stunning young girls on set, some of whom are experienced and others who are just starting out. For those of you starting out, I know you get a small amount of grooming training with the agency but I feel like a little extra advice might just be helpful to some of you! I’ve compiled a few of my top tips and tricks below so that you wow the crew at castings and please the makeup artist on the job (who can often play a role in rebooking you).
On Set Protocol
Firstly, it is a huge no-no to turn up to a job with any makeup on. Occasionally you’ll be arriving from another job and wherever possible you should try to remove your makeup (grab a makeup wipe off the artist at the previous job). Even if you don’t get it all off, the next artist will appreciate that you tried. The worst is turning up with old mascara on.
Nails should be clean of nail polish and a natural length, filed to a smooth shape. You could potentially get away with a gel colour or shellac if it was clear/natural but don’t even get me started on acrylic nails!
Hair should be recently washed wherever possible (2-3 times a week is usually ideal for most hair types) but you should turn up with it dry unless otherwise requested. Having to dry your hair on top of styling it takes additional time and time is money for the client. Run a brush through it before you turn up as well and your artist will be stoked with you.
Lastly, it’s a good idea not to turn up with any jewellery, particularly if it leaves marks on your body, as you won’t need it and things do get lost on set. Come in loose clothing that won’t mark your skin, and if you’re going to be outside on a cooler day, bring a dressing robe or puffer jacket to keep warm.
At Home Care
Just like a makeup artist has to go home and clean their brushes after a job, your job doesn’t end when you leave the set. The way you look after your appearance will greatly affect your chances of being rebooked or securing the next job:
Remove your makeup. Your skin undergoes so much having makeup changes and various looks applied, using a lot more makeup than the average person would wear. Cleansing your skin should come only after you’ve removed your makeup - these are two different steps.
Regular cleansing is by far the most important. Find a gentle, effective cleanser that your skin likes and use it morning and night without fail, after having removed makeup
To care for your hair, brush out what you can starting with just the ends, then mid-lengths, then at the root. In the shower, wash and condition with salon quality products and I’d recommend a hair mask or treatment once a week, especially if you’re trying to grow it. Your hair goes through a lot - it deserves it!
For intense backcombing that you couldn’t fully brush out, condition it first, then wash, then follow with another condition, and comb out with a wide tooth comb while the conditioner is still in the hair.
Look After Yourself
On the flipside, if you feel you’re being mistreated, don’t be afraid to speak up! I’ve heard so many horror stories from models about makeup artists who've used brushes that were obviously not clean or burnt them with hot tools. You have a right to your health and safety and a makeup artist should be clean and hygienic at all times, no exceptions. It’s important to bear in mind that being a model is hard work and at times very uncomfortable. No one likes a diva but if you genuinely are concerned for your wellbeing then it’s fair enough that you speak up. After all, your looks are a big part of the overall product you’re ‘selling’ so you have to look after yourself.